Friday, July 17, 2009

FREE Biblio

You can get the Biblio Chaise and Biblio Puff following this steps:
1. Go to My Account and find your Stardoll User ID.
2. Now, go to this link and after the "=" put your User ID (NOT username!).
3. Answer at least 3 questions. Here are the answers:
Q1: 2) The Diary of Anne Frank

Q2: 1) Teddy

Q3: 3) To appear on Britain’s Got Talent

Q4: 1) Her Mum’s Burberry purse

Q5: 3) Edinburgh

Q6: 2) Brunette with blonde highlights

Q7: 1) Mr Peakes, the butler

Q8: 1) A unicorn

Q9: 3) A wedding

Q10: 1) Lobsters
4. Now, fill in the form with fake info. DO NOT CLICK "SUBMIT" YET!
5. Now, use a manual proxy (find out how to use a manual proxy here): I used port 80! Other proxies that might work: port 80, port 80!
6. Now, click submit. You'll be redirected to Stardoll.
It might not work on the first try, but don't give up!

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